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Message from New Guinea School and University Talks by Jhon Kwano

Every year, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG) invites special teachers to Hong Kong to share with the public their insightful wisdom on conservation, sustainability and reconnecting humans to nature.

In 2019, we are honoured to once again welcome the tribal elder Jhon Kwano from the highlands of New Guinea to hold a residential retreat and public talks to share his culture and thoughts with us. New Guinea, the largest island in Melanesia, is one of the most bio-culturally diverse places on Earth. The Dani tribe still lives as their ancestors have for thousands of years, in harmony with nature. Jhon Kwano is from the last generation of the Dani people to receive traditional initiation, and he was identified from an early age for the role of Messenger, sharing the message of his tribe with outsiders and reporting back with what he has seen in the outside world.

During his stay in Hong Kong this year Jhon would like to share with students from schools and universities the unique tribal culture and philosophy of his tribe, the challenges they face, and his own journey through ‘Four Worlds’. He will also help participants explore how to harmonize our own relationship with nature in the modern world. 

Jhon is a unique, charming and engaging speaker, and the content of his talk can be blended into the curriculum - Perhaps under “Who we Are”, "How the World Works", "Sharing the Planet" for primary; or Geography and Cultural Studies for secondary.

Interested parties may contact the Education Department of KFBG for details of how to arrange a talk.

Download Public Talk Leaflet

Available dates for School and University Talk (a.m. and p.m. slots): 
26, 27, 28 February 2019
4, 6, 7, 8 March 2019

Duration of school talk:
2 hours including talk, PowerPoint Presentation, Q+A


Your School

Ms. Vera Hung (Education Department) at 24837107