Bonobo – An Expedition Diary by Andrew McAulay (Part II)
4. Claudine is Belgian, but has lived in DRC since she was 3 years old, when her father came to wor...
Bonobo - An Expedition Diary by Andrew McAulay (Part III)
7. Arriving back in our hotel in Kinshasa, it feels as if we have been gone a week, yet it has been...
Bonobo - An Expedition Diary by Andrew McAulay (Part IV)
12. One yogic technique for achieving this sense of “presence” is to focus on feelings of love, whe...
World Pangolin Day 2014 - What is a pangolin?
The name pangolin comes from the Malay word “pengguling” which means 'something that curls up'. Wh...
World Pangolin Day 2014 - Rescued Pangolins at KFBG
The Rescue Centre received two pangolins from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Departm...
World Pangolin Day 2014 - What Do Pangolins Eat?
Pangolins do not have teeth, however, they have a long, sticky tongue used for catching ants and t...
Changing the World: the Pudding of Experience
According to quantum physics, there is no scientific basis for distinguishing between mind and mat...
Society and Spirituality
A healthy, sustainable society must have as its basis a correct understanding of the world: dysfun...
2010 地球日 - 對抗氣候變化你作出了甚麼貢獻?
「我們唯一的家園 - 地球母親 - 正面對着壓力。如果沒有永續的環境基礎,我們就難以減少貧困與饑餓、並且改善人類健康和福祉。」 - 聯合國秘書長潘基文2010 年 4 月 22 日國際地球日致辭 ...
2010 年 4 月發表的《地球物理研究通訊》(Geophysical Research Letters) 指出,全球浮冰面積正「持續消失」,這項不穩定因素將令全球海平線上升。/div>根據世界首個...