Note to Visitors in Wheelchairs
We are sorry that due to the steep and narrow roads in KFBG, for safety concerns, visitors using wheelchairs are not permitted to travel by wheelchair up or down steep roads in the Lower or Upper Area. Our Shuttle Bus is not able to make the final ascent to Kwun Yum Shan but by prior arrangement, upon approval by the Executive Director, wheelchair users may drive, or be driven in their own private vehicle to the summit of Kwun Yum Shan.
Individuals and organisations who wish to arrange a visit for persons in wheelchairs to tour KFBG in vehicle to be driven within KFBG. In such cases, the driver of such a bus may be required to undergo assessment on site, in advance, by the Hong Kong School of Motoring to judge whether they can drive safely on these steep and winding roads. Such individuals and organisations should ensure that the insurance cover for these specially designed vehicles will be valid for the use of the vehicle on roads within KFBG.
Please note that due to the steepness and tight corners on the KFBG roads, such vehicles cannot exceed 6.99 metres in length.