Tai Po Kau ForestGEO Forest Dynamics Plot Species Composition and Community Structure
Huiling Zhu, Jinlong Zhang, Billy Chi Hang Hau, Bond Ting Wing Shum, Xoni Kwan Ki Ma, Janice Pei Lai Lo, Gunter A. Fischer, Stephan W. Gale
HK$ 350
Available at KFBG farm shop or Green Hub

Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden Visitor Guidebook
HK$ 110
Click the book title and read the free trial version.

The Promised Return - A Story of the River Tern
HK$ 100
Available at KFBG farm shop or Green Hub
Fairy of the Rolling Plains – Story of Hainan Eld’s Deer
HK$ 60
For purchase, please visit KFBG farm shop or Green Hub.
HK$ 20
For purchase, please visit KFBG farm shop or Green Hub. Click here to read the extract.
Biodiversity of Tengchong, Gaoligongshan
Chan Pui Lok Bosco, Bi Zheng
HK$ 120
For purchase, please visit KFBG farm shop, Green Hub or NHBS website.
A Field Guide to the Dragonflies of Hainan
Grahan Reels and Zhang Haomiao
HK$ 130
To purchase, please visit KFBG farm shop, Green Hub or NHBS website.

Grow Organic@home
HK$ 78
KFBG Postcards
A Set of 7 cards
HK$ 30

Garden in the Sky
Edward Stokes
HK$ 295

Ferns of Hong Kong
HK$ 180

Wild Creatures in Hong Kong Volume I (Chinese Version)
Robert I. Ferguson
HK$ 150

Wild Creatures in Hong Kong Volume I
Robert I. Ferguson
HK$ 150
A guide to some of the wonderful animals around us.

Postcard-Owl Series
HK$ 50

Wild Live Animal Photo Product (Large Size)
HK$ 280
Available at KFBG farm shop

Wild Live Animal Photo Product (set)
HK$ 100
Available at KFBG farm shop

KFBG Pocket Guide Series - Birds
HK$ 20
Available at KFBG reception or farm shop
HK$20/piece; HK$30/set

KFBG Pocket Guide Series - Butterflies
HK$ 20
Available at KFBG reception or farm shop
HK$20/piece; HK$30/set
Other Books and Publications available in the Farm Shop
Resurgence & Ecologist Magazine | Resurgence Trust | HK$ 150 |
A Guide to Orchids of Hong Kong | Stephan Gale, Abdelhamid Bizis, Liu Kwok & Kinson Chan | HK$ 210 |
A Guide to Orchids of Laos | Pankaj Kumar, Stephan Gale, Thatsaphone Phaxaysombath | HK$ 100 |
自然學家 - 瀕危動植物 | 漁護署 | HK$ 60 |
Hong Kong Nature Lanscapes | Edward Stokes | HK$ 275 |
The Giving Tree | Shel Silverstein | HK$ 211 |
Circling The Heart | Andrew McAulay | HK$ 50 |
Unveiling the Heart | Andrew McAulay | HK$ 75 |
尋蟲記 | 李熙瑜 | HK$ 141 |
尋蟲記(3) - 各出奇謀 | 李熙瑜 | HK$ 141 |
Holistic Education | Anne Phillips | HK$ 130 |
生物剽竊 | 著:范達娜˙席娃 譯:陳若盈、楊佳蓉 | HK$ 65 |
生物多樣性的早餐 | 著:約翰˙范德彌爾、伊薇特˙波費托 譯:周沛郁、王安生 | HK$ 137 |
大地非石油 | 著:范達娜˙席娃 譯:陳思穎 | HK$ 56 |
The Lorax | Dr. Seuss | HK$ 120 |
North East & Central NT- Countryside Series | Lands Department | HK$ 83 |
Earth Pilgrim | Satish Kumar | HK$ 220 |
No Destination | Satish Kumar | HK$ 268 |
Spiritual Compass | Satish Kumar | HK$ 141 |
Tropical Rain Forests | Richard T Corlett and Richard B Primack | HK$ 560 |
The Transition Timeline | Shaun Chamberlaine | HK$ 217 |
The Transition Companion | Rob Hopkins | HK$ 260 |
The Secret Teachings of Plants | Stephen Harrod Buhner | HK$ 229 |
The Transition Handbook | Rob Hopkins | HK$ 260 |
迢迢千里(新版) | 陳堅峰 AFCD | HK$ 50 |
大埔滘 細查昆蟲 | AFCD | HK$ 38 |
小小地球 | James Bruges 譯:楊曉霞 | HK$ 60 |
小即是美 | 著:修馬克 譯:李華夏 | HK$ 120 |
給孩子一個綠色無毒家 | 林麗珊 | HK$ 108 |
The Power of Communiry (DVD) | 大地旅人環境工作室 | HK$ 150 |
The Energy of Nations | Jeremy Leggett | HK$ 245 |
落地生根 | 社區夥伴 | HK$ 80 |
Touching the Heart Taking Roots | 社區夥伴 | HK$ 80 |
Souls-The Pike Miners-Their Eternal Essence | A.B.See | HK$ 1,000 |
My Garden - My friends | Bing and Dave Sanders | HK$ 148 |
Confessions of a Hong Kong Naturalist | G.T. Reels | HK$ 140 |
The book range changes from time to time; the information above is for general reference only; please take a look in the shop or contact us at (852) 2483 7200 if you would like to make an inquiry about a specific publication.