Date |
9 May 2025 (Friday) Night walks are also scheduled for the following dates – check back nearer the time for registration |
Venue | Lower area of KFBG |
Time |
18:45 - 21:00 (9 May) |
Target audience |
Aged 12 or above (participants age below 18 should be accompanied with an adult)
No. of participants | 20 participants |
Language | English (supplemented with Chinese) |
Fee |
HKD 450 (included KFBG entrance fee) |
Gathering time and location |
18:30 (9 May) |
Terms and conditions |
Application | Please submit the online application form at least 7 days before the activity date. |
Enquiry Carpark |
Fauna Conservation Department Tel: 2483 7126 or Email: fauna@kfbg.org |
*Schedule may be subject to change with prior notes
*Please check back later for more dates
- 1. Fill in the form
- 2. Review your information
- 3. Make the payment
* Required Fields
Emergency Contacts
Total: HK$ --
Online Payment
Payment is handled by PayPal.
You can pay by Credit Card or PayPal.