Events and Programmes
Events and Programmes
Central Farmers' Market

Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG) has been running the weekly, organic, Central Farmers’ Market at the Star Ferry Pier since 2007 to offer a fair-trade platform to bridge mutual support between local, organic farmers and consumers. The platform enables farmers to enjoy a fairer return for their hard work and allow consumers to access locally grown, organic, chemical-free greens.

Nature / Objectives

  • Encourage Hong Kong citizen to pledge to reduce CO2 emissions by supporting local organic produce
  • Promote local economy, environmental protection, simple life
  • Establish a fair trade platform for consumers, social enterprise, artists, and local farmers

Central Farmers' Market is a weekly event held for the general public which takes place at Star Ferry Central Pier. It is co-organised by KFBG and The "Star" Ferry Company Ltd. It provides real food, fresh taste and much lower CO2 emissions.

Main activities including local organic farm produce sale booth, earth friendly products, local handicraft etc. 

Date / Time
Every Sunday / 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Star Ferry Central Pier No.7

 Target Group / No. of Participants 
Everyone is welcome / No limit

Enquiry hotline: (852) 2483 7138

Measures for bad weather - the following measures will be taken should any weather warning signal(s) be hoisted at 7:00 am on the event date:

Weather warning / signal

Event arrangement

Red & Black rainstorm signal, typhoon signal no. 3 or above


Amber rainstorm signal thunderstorm warning, typhoon signal No. 1


 Farmers' Information

Puppy Organic Farm

Contact person: Mr. Wong
Farm location: Yuen Long
Establishment year: 2003
Year of organic practice: 2003
Farm size: 4,384 m2      
Tel: 61640594

Organic status:
HKORC (C07031)

Ming Yuen Farm  

Contact person: Mr. Yu
Farm location: Ta Kwu Ling
Establishment year: 1950
Year of organic practice: 2007
Farm size: 3,920 m2    
Tel: 69397002

Organic status:

Self-claimed organic

Ka Kin Farm

Conatct person: Mr. Fu
Farm location: Yuen Long
Establishment year: 1980
Year of organic practice: 2008
Farm size: 6,760 m2  
Tel: 94095675

Organic status:

HKORC (C09014)

Leung Kee Health Organic Farm 

Contact person: Ms. Man
Farm location: Ping Che
Establishment year: 1970
Year of organic practice: 2004
Farm size: 9,113 m2       
Tel: 93772893

Organic status:

HKORC (C05008)

AuLaw Organic Farm  

Contact person: Mr. Wong
Farm location: Yuen Long
Establishment year: 2010
Year of organic practice: 2010
Farm size: 8,112 m2
Tel: 91081731

Organic status: 

HKORC (C08004)

Cham Shan Farm 

Contact person: Mr. Chan
Farm location: Ta Kwu Ling
Establishment year: 2011
Year of organic practice: 2011
Farm size: 12,844 m2
Tel: 98551664

Organic status: 

Self-claimed organic

Zen Organic Farm

Contact person: Mr. Ng
Farm location: Ta Kwu Ling
Establishment year: 2009
Year of organic practice: 2009
Farm size: 20,280 m2
Tel: 97292903

Organic status:

HKORC (C09001)

Health Fruit Garden

Contact person: Mr. Ngai
Farm location: Yuen Long
Establishment year: 2006
Year of organic practice: 2006
Farm size: 3,380m2
Tel: 91293757

Organic status:

HKORC (C06001)