Hong Kong boasts a rich biodiversity. The interactions among various animals and plants play a crucial role in shaping our unique ecosystems and maintaining their balance. However, the arrival of exotic species can disrupt the balance and negatively impact our environment. In this talk series, researchers and conservationists share stories about exotic plants and animals in Hong Kong. Venue: Plaza, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden |
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Date 1 March 2025 (Sat) |
Speaker |
Talk title and introduction |
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14:00 – 14:30 |
![]() Dr Anthony Lau Assistant Professor, Lingnan University |
Challenges in management and eradication of introduced freshwater animals
Hong Kong is home to numerous introduced species. In this talk, I briefly introduce the work we are doing on understanding the ecology of these animals, and challenges in their management and eradication. |
Cantonese |
14:30 – 15:00 |
![]() Colin, Ho Yuen Yeung Assistant Conservation Officer, KFBG |
The Blue Alien: The introduced Blue Crested Lizard in Hong Kong
The Blue Crested Lizard (Calotes mystaceus) is an arboreal lizard species originally native to Thailand, India, Myanmar and Yunnan province in China. This species was introduced to Hong Kong's Disneyland through the importation of horticultural plants about two decades ago. Our recent study indicates that the Blue Crested Lizard has significantly expanded its range throughout various regions of Hong Kong, with some populations even entering country park territory. This talk discusses the distribution and origins of the Blue Crested Lizard in Hong Kong, and its ecological impact on the local ecosystems.
Cantonese |
15:00 – 15:30 |
![]() Dr Stephan W Gale Head of Flora Conservation Department, KFBG |
Wicked Weeds! What They Are and What We Can Do About Them
Hong Kong has more than 2,300 species of native plants that support local wildlife and provide a wealth of ecosystem services. However, there are also dozens of non-native, introduced plants that wreak havoc in our countryside, driving species extinction and obliterating delicate ecological interactions. It’s time to see these weeds for what they are and stand up for local plant life!
English |
15:30 – 16:00 |
![]() Paul Melsom Eagleowl on Lantau |
Increasingly problematic non-native and native invasive organisms are seriously impacting forest landscape restoration in Hong Kong
Paul Melsom has been working in forest landscape restoration for more than 20 years. His talk focuses on ways to combat invasive species that presently and in the future will increasingly adversely affect landscape forest restoration in Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden and on other restoration projects in Hong Kong. These include the Giant African land snail (Lissachatina fulica), Brisbane box (Lophostemon confertus), a native parasitic plant Cassytha filiformis, nonnative worms via Vermicompost, and more.
English |
3月2日(日) |
14:00 – 14:30 |
![]() Dr Roger, Ho Lee Assistant Professor Science Unit, Lingnan University |
Invasive insects and the local environment
In this talk, we explore invasive insects and how they impact our local environment. These species, such as the red-imported fire ant, can disrupt ecosystems, harm native wildlife and even affect our daily lives. We'll discuss how these insects arrive in our area, their effects on local plants and animals, and what we can all do to manage their presence. Join us to learn more about these invaders and how we can protect our environment together!
Cantonese |
14:30 – 15:00 |
![]() Dr Alphonse, Hin Fat Tsang Research Assistant Professor, Lingnan University |
Non-native fishes in Hong Kong
Hong Kong is home to 65 native freshwater fish species, but nearly a hundred non-native fish species have also been recorded in our waters! Why are non-native fish so prevalent and widespread in our freshwater ecosystems, and how do they impact biodiversity? This talk explores the pathways through which these species were introduced, examines their effects on local ecosystems, and discusses the actions we can take to address their presence. |
Cantonese |
15:00 – 15:30 |
![]() Ming Chuan Woo Deputy Director, The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society |
Birds going to the wrong party? A brief overview of alien bird species in Hong Kong
Imagine being unexpectedly whisked away to a party you never planned to attend. How would you feel? What would you do? This is the story of some non-native bird species in Hong Kong. Join us to learn more about them and explore whether their arrival is a tale of misfortune or a surprising opportunity. |
Cantonese |
15:30 – 16:00 |
![]() Jianhuan Yang Conservation Manager, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden |
Common Wolf Snake: An overlooked Invader in Hong Kong?
The Common Wolf Snake (Lycodon capucinus) is a species widely distributed throughout Hong Kong and has long been regarded as a native species. However, a recent study has revealed that this snake is, in fact, an introduced species in Hong Kong and neighbouring southern China. In this talk, we discuss when and how this exotic species arrived in Hong Kong, and its potential impacts on native ecosystems. |
Cantonese |
電話: 2483 7179 (馬小姐)