Events and Programmes
Events and Programmes
Learning from the Indigenous Wisdom of Tribe Elder (Outreach Talk)

KFBG is delighted to host Jhon Kwano, a Messenger from the Lani tribe in the highlands of New Guinea, the largest island in Melanesia. It is one of the most bio-culturally diverse places on Earth, and Jhon’s people have lived in harmony with nature for thousands of years.

This is a wonderful opportunity for whole-person education, to interact and be inspired by an engaging overseas guest in person:

Education for Sustainable Development:
Learn about sustainable practices and responsible use of natural resources from indigenous wisdom demonstrated by the Lani tribe, and reflect on your personal lifestyle. Learn about the importance of environmental conservation and biodiversity.

Life Education:
Learn about respect for life, and listen to Jhon's sharing of the meanings of life when humans are connected and harmonised with nature.

Human Rights Education:
Learn about the uniqueness and significance of indigenous culture, and broaden global horizons.

About the Outreach School Talk

We invite you to collaborate with us and Jhon for an engaging school talk or any co-created activities that combine inspiring perspectives, experiential sessions and reflection. For example, Jhon can share insights about the Lani tribe's culture, how they spend their life to actualise their life purpose, living in a community deeply connected with nature, and how they communicate with nature and within the tribe. In addition, students can also learn about the challenges the indigenous community faces and hear first-hand about Jhon’s unique experiences in the modern world.

His talk will explore different themes, such as:

  • 跨文化交流 (Cross-cultural exchange)
  • 生態教育 (Ecological education)
  • 永續發展 (Sustainability)
  • 全球視野 (Global perspective)
  • 本土原住民智慧 (Indigenous wisdom)
  • 生態多樣性 (Biodiversity)
  • 社區和諧 (Community harmony)
  • 個人成長 (Personal growth)

We believe Jhon's unique perspective will deepen students’ understanding, encourage them to reflect on their own lifestyles, rediscover the importance of sustainability, and foster harmonious relationships with nature and diverse cultures. 

We look forward to the opportunity to bring Jhon’s indigenous wisdom to your students.

About the Speaker

Jhon Kwano

As an elder from the Lani tribe in the highlands of New Guinea, Jhon Kwano is from the last generation of his people to receive traditional initiation. He was identified from an early age for the role of Messenger, sharing the message of his tribe with outsiders and reporting back with what he has seen in the outside world. He is the only one known to be playing this role outside of Melanesia. As such, he is authorised to represent not only the Lani, but also other cultures in both New Guinea and the rest of Melanesia.

Click here to download the poster

Date Options
3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 19 March 2025 (AM or PM)

1.5 - 3 hours

At your school or at KFBG


Target Audience
Primary school, secondary school, higher education institutions and colleges

Non-profit Fee
HK$2,000 - 2,500

Please click here to fill in the form, we will contact you shortly.

Contact Ms Miki Chang at 2483 7197 during office hours or email

Kadoorie Earth Programme (KEP) is co-created by KFBG and its network of collaborators and volunteers. By integrating the various strands of KFBG’s nature conservation, sustainable living and holistic education programmes, it provides life-transforming learning experiences that reconnect people with themselves, each other and the rest of nature and enable them to cultivate resilience in the face of climate crisis, economic uncertainty and other related challenges.

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