Art House
The area outside the Art House is a pleasant shady spot with outdoor tables and seating places where visitors may enjoy a picnic.
Visitors are welcome to go inside to view some art, produced by visitors, workshop participants and, sometimes, professional artists, inspired by their visit to KFBG. Here visitors may do some art or handicrafts, or collect drawing and writing materials from our staff if they feel inspired to be creative in the tranquil surroundings of KFBG.
From the Art House visitors can walk up through the Walter Kerr Gardens and on up to Kwun Yum Shan and the Kadoorie Brothers Memorial Pavilion in the Upper Area. A round trip would take 3 to 4 hours on foot.
The Art House opens every day (except KFBG Closing Days) from 0930 to 1630 (lunch hour: 12:30-14:00).