Conservation and Research - Researchers
Fauna Conservation Department - Kadoorie Conservation China Programme
LI Fei
Senior Conservation Officer
Fauna Conservation Department - Kadoorie Conservation China Programme

Li Fei’s undergraduate and postgraduate research focused on biology and nature reserve management. During his bachelor’s degree, he studied insects, birds and pollination. During his master’s degree, he surveyed waterbirds in Gansu Dunhuang Wetland. After he joined the Kadoorie Conservation China Department in 2012, he continued to contribute towards bird conservation and also became involved in mammal conservation, with a particular interest in the Mustelidae and Sciuridae families. He is a member of two IUCN/SSC Specialist Groups (Otter and Small Carnivore), the record committee chair of the Hainan Birdwatching Society, and editor of the China Bird Watch magazine.
Selected publications: