LO Yik Fui, Philip
Senior Conservation Officer
Fauna Conservation Department - Kadoorie Conservation China Programme

Philip joined KFBG in 2007 and has been involved in different biodiversity conservation projects in the Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot. His research interests include the conservation and ecology of endangered species such as Asian hornbills and Hainan Gibbon. He has also been engaged in systematic, immature biology and diversity assessment of butterflies in southern China.
He published various peer-reviewed scientific papers and participated in the IUCN Red List assessment of Asian swallowtail butterflies. In addition, he authored several popular butterfly field guides in Hong Kong and Mainland China. He has been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society since 2012 and is a member of various IUCN/SSC specialist groups (butterfly, hornbill, primate).
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