Zhu Huiling
Flora Conservation Department

Huiling joined in KFBG in 2015 and assists the management of the herbarium specimens, the census of the forest plot and looking after the databases.
She is interested in the maintenance of biodiversity, forest restoration and succession. She is studying the effects of land use history on the restoration of tropical forest.
Selected publications:
Zhu, H.L., Liu, J.G., Zhang, J.L., Hang, K.Y., Yeung, W.K., & Fischer, G.A. (2018) Ten newly recorded taxa to the flora of Hong Kong, China. Guihaia, 38(9), 1221-1228
Zhang, J.L., Zhu, H.L., Liu, J.G, & Fischer, G. A. (2016) Principles behind designing herbarium specimen labels and the R package ‘herblabel’. Biodiversity Science, 24(12), 1345-1352.
Zhu, H.L., Zhang, Y.H., Hu, L.Z., & Ding, B. Y. (2010). New Discovery of Yoania japonica Maxim. in Baishanzu Nature Reserve, Zhejiang Province and Its Floristic Significance. Subtropical Plant Science, 39(1): 69-70
Hu, L.Z., Chen, D.L., & Zhu, H.L. (2011).Composition and dynamic of litterfalls of evergreen broad-leaved forest in Baishanzu Mountain, Zhejiang. Journal of Zhejiang University (Agric & Life Sci), 2011,37(5): 533-539