KFBG Blog: Animal Stories
Frightened to death?
The Northern Red Muntjac (Muntiacus vaginalis) sometimes known as the Barking Deer is the only native deer species that is found in Hong Kong. It is also a mammal species we often receive at the Wild...
This is a story about a lizard without legs
KFBG rescues many native wild animals, from the commonly seen Spotted Dove to the rarely seen King Cobra. On 6 March 2020, we received this interesting looking legless reptile through our Wild Snake ...
The journey from rescue to release: What happens when an injured bird is received by the KFBG rescue team staff?
Summer is upon us and we are now in the busiest season for the Wild Animal Rescue Centre (WARC). Let's take a look at the role of the WARC as it applies to the rescue and rehabilitation of wild bird...
Inappropriate assistance may do more harm than good
Everyday nestlings' feathers will grow and become more dense, eventually the wing feathers are formed and they are ready to learn how to fly. Much like human children learning to walk, they may stumb...
Spring is in the air for the King of snakes
On 6 May, two young adult King Cobras (Ophiophagus hannah) were spotted by our Chairperson, Mr Andrew McAulay, on the Kwun Yum Shan hillside. In this rare opportunity he was able to watch what was mo...
Say NO to mercy release on Buddha’s Birthday – and 5 ways to help protect wildlife
Mercy release practices are undertaken by some Buddhists in gaining blessings and good karma through the act of helping animals. This seemingly kind gesture to free animals into the wild can in fact ...
Critically endangered turtles leave their temporary home at Kadoorie Farm
In February 2020, two groups of turtles originally seized from illegal trade were rehomed to join international conservation programmes. Thirteen critically endangered Elongated Tortoises (Indotestud...
No Half Measures – Close Down Wildlife Markets and Illegal Trade
My recent article about bats and the Covid-19 (https://bit.ly/2UX17CX) provided some facts about the relationship between coronaviruses and these flying mammals. This is a follow up article which I f...
Presenting the top 10 rescued birds in 2019
This may seem a slightly sad poster as all the bird species depicted required life-saving assistance. Birds are rescued for various reasons many of which are related to man-made structures or activi...
Window Strikes by Birds and What You Can Do to Prevent Them
The sky used to be the realm of birds, but as we developed the skills and technologies to build skyscrapers, our living space has merged with the world of the feathered creatures. In an attempt to &l...