Long before the occurrence of dinosaurs, dragonflies were already the masters of the air. Located in the tropics, the island of Hainan has numerous rivers, streams, lakes and swamps. The diverse fre...

The Secret Life of PlantsAuthors: Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird.Publish Year: 1973 This book, written nearly 30 years ago, was very controversial at the time. It is worth a read to see what all...

Soil, not OilAuthor: Vandana ShivaPublish year: 2009 When I thought about agriculture in the past, it seemed a simple question of how to produce food that sustains lives. However, we can no longer lo...

Small is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People Mattered; Author: E.F. Schumacher; Publish year: 1973 People living in the late 21st Century, when the oil is long gone, will see the world very d...