As temperatures reached -3.5 degrees last weekend (24 January 2016) due to the unusual polar vortex conditions, many Hong Kong people have enjoyed the novelty of ice in Hong Kong. This weather extrem...

After more than 15 years of careful nurturing the very rare and endangered chestnut tree Castanopsis concinna fruited for the first time in KFBG's Oak Seed Garden. The tree can grow up to 25 meters t...

1. Moth, Cyclodes omma A locally uncommon moth, Cyclodes omma, spotted during the night safari programme on 10 October 2015. This is the 4th record (two sightings from Tai Po Kau in April 1993, th...

Our beautiful Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG) estate is maintained through the hard work of many staff members. Kitty Yip joined our Flora Conservation Department in December 1995. She is our...

The Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) is a native wild cat under the Felidae family. Although it is widely distributed in Hong Kong, sightings of Leopard Cats are quite uncommon. This may be du...

How do Da Hua Bai spend their summer holiday? Our six Da Hua Bai pigs have done a great job in the previous year as our Education Ambassadors to urge our visitors to 'eat less meat'. In the past year...