Animal Encounters - “Harry is back!”
Animal Stories
Do you know what kind of bird is perched on the hand of our Animal Keeper, Hin? This is a Collared Scop Owl (Otus lettia) and his name is Harry. He may be familiar to some visitors as he used to be t...
Lao orchid surveys reach new milestone
Activity Report
The People's Democratic Republic of Laos retains some of the most extensive and best preserved limestone vegetation of the Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot, and yet its flora is among the region's lea...
A Stellar Career - Chow Pak Tim Recalls his Time in the Facilities Department
KFBG Diary
In the expansive working landscape of Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG) the safety of visitors is of paramount consideration. Thanks to our Facilities Department (FAC) staff, KFBG is indeed a s...
Farmers Joined Hands in Conserving the Hainan Gibbon
China Eco Tales
Gibbons swinging through towering trees in tropical rainforest, to many of us, maybe a scene only appears in wildlife documentaries. The gibbons are so distant from us that their survival appears to ...
HUMAN – SNAKE CONFLICT MITIGATION – a service to wild snakes and the community
Animal Stories
In 1999 Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden (KFBG) commenced a snake rescue project in partnership with the Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department (AFCD) and the HKSAR Police. This ongoi...
Concerted effort to save the Hainan Eld’s Deer
China Eco Tales
Bangxi is a tiny nature reserve on Hainan Island, yet it is one of the last refuges for Eld's Deer (Rucervus eldii) in China. In China, Eld's Deer is found nowhere else but Hainan, and is a Class I K...
The Veterinary Nurses Council of Australia Conference 2016
Activity Report
Serena Chung from the Fauna Conservation Department attended the Veterinary Nurses Council of Australia (VNCA) Conference 2016 in Perth, Western Australia from 19th to 22nd April 2016. The theme of t...
Reopen of the Jim Ades Raptor Sanctuary
KFBG Diary
The Raptor Rehabilitation Programme was established in April 1994. It was the first such programme of its kind in Hong Kong. The aim of the programme is to rehabilitate rescued sick and injured birds...
Baby Birds Rescue 2016
Animal Stories
The Wild Animal Rescue Centre received 196 birds between the 1 April and 30 May. The majority of the rescued birds were fledglings or juveniles, and all required specialist care during their rehabili...
Forest Restoration Project – Tree Planting Activity 2016
Activity Report
Tree planting activity is an annual event of KFBG on Earth Day. Our staff celebrate Earth Day through planting native trees on the hillside of Tai Mo Shan. Owing to adverse weather on 22 April 2016...