On 14 July 2014, a Least Pipistrelle bat was released back to the wild after rescue and rehabilitation. The bat was rescued by a member of public in the market at Sai Wan Ho. Initially, it was unabl...

On 3rd July 2014, 24 Romer’s Tree Frogs were successfully translocated into a suitable habitat at KFBG. This is a conservation project being carried out by the Fauna Conservation Department, Kadoori...

We were saddened to announce recently the news of Hailey’s passing. Hailey, a White-bellied Sea Eagle, passed away at the age of 19 on 5th May 2014. He had been a public education display bird for 1...

Introduction: Bonobos are great apes whose DNA is more than 98% identical to that ofhumankind. They are only found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and are highly endangered due to hunti...

4. Claudine is Belgian, but has lived in DRC since she was 3 years old, when her father came to work as a vet for the colonial government. By her own admission, she lives a kind of double life: hands...

7. Arriving back in our hotel in Kinshasa, it feels as if we have been gone a week, yet it has been one night only and our trip is only just beginning. Dinner and a briefing with Terese Hart is follo...

12. One yogic technique for achieving this sense of “presence” is to focus on feelings of love, whenever they arise, letting go of whatever it is that has triggered those feelings. With memories of t...

The name pangolin comes from the Malay word “pengguling” which means 'something that curls up'. When threatened, pangolins curl into a ball in order to protect themselves. Pangolins are mammals and ...

The Rescue Centre received two pangolins from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department in June and July 2013 respectively. After a complete health check, the animals were released bac...

Pangolins do not have teeth, however, they have a long, sticky tongue used for catching ants and termites. They also feed on small invertebrates, such as worms, bee larvae, flies and crickets. They ...