Animals recently seen on the KFBG hillside

Animal Stories

1. Yellow-cheeked Tit  (Parus spilonotus)

A pair of Yellow-cheeked Tits was spotted taking care of their nestlings on the upper hillside in April. The breeding season of this species starts from late February to mid-August every year. It can be easily identified by the unique black crest and yellow cheeks. The nesting site became an attraction to local photographers who were out nearly every day to catch a shot of the parents returning to feed the young. Visitors were suggested to keep quiet and stay at a distance from the nesting site in order not to frighten the parents and young.

2. Frogs and Toads

During the lower farm Night Walk activity on 13 June 2015, staff members and participants heard frogs calling near the Lotus Pond located in front of the Art House. Three Brown Tree Frogs and an Asian Common Toad were spotted in and around the pond. These species are commonly seen during the summer and widely distributed in Hong Kong. 

3. Fork-tailed Sunbird (juvenile) (Aethopyga christinae)

Three young Fork-tailed Sunbirds were spotted opposite the Conservation Building in May. Their down-curved sickle-bills are one of the features of Fork-tailed Sunbird, allowing adult birds to feed on nectar. Adult Males are very attractive with iridescent green, red and black colours and are amongst the most colourful birds found in Hong Kong.