Soil, Soul and Society: Public Talk by Dr. Satish Kumar

Activity Report

On 8th and 9th November last year, the renowned educator and writer, Dr. Satish Kumar of Schumacher College, in UK, shared his views on "Holistic Education", and, the "Future of Food" at the University of Hong Kong, co-organised by KFBG, HKU and Schumacher College.

In his talk entitled "Holistic Education - Learning with your Whole Being", Satish reminded us that the Latin root of the word "education" is "educare", which means "to bring forth what is in the person". He also talked about how education should be focused on the inter-relationships with people and nature. On the second night, he talked about the importance of local food and the connection with soil. In addition to having a deep experience with nature, Satish said that we also need to have a deep commitment to nature.

Each talk received more than 180 attendees, including participants joining via webcast in 14 countries on the second night. To review the talks, please download the transcripts in the links below. We are inviting Satish to speak with us again in December this year, stay tuned to KFBG website announcement.

Transcript of “Holistic Education: Learning with Your Whole Being”
Transcript of “Future of Food: Eat Like it Matters”