Events and Programmes
Events and Programmes
Beekeeping Training Course 2023

Bees provide an invaluable pollinating service in nature, and it plays an essential role in sustaining our food system. Our lives, and the world as a whole, would be a much different place if bees didn’t exist. Our beekeeping training course focuses on working with native bees in Hong Kong for honey production. We aim to help in-service farmers and interested parties integrate apiary in sustainable agriculture and education projects to harmonise our relationship with the environment.

The course will be conducted in Cantonese. Please refer to the Chinese version for the details.

Please refer to the Chinese version

Target Group / No. of Participants
Please see Chinese version

Date / Time
30 September and 1 October 2023 (Saturday & Sunday)
10:00 - 16:30

Please refer to the Chinese version

Please refer to the Chinese version

Please refer to the Chinese version


Please contact the Regenerative Agriculture Department at (852) 2483 7161 or