Events and Programmes
Events and Programmes
Hong Kong Coffee Encounters (New session)
  1. Nature/Objectives
    Hong Kong’s climate is suitable for growing coffee. This activity connects the upstream and downstream processes of coffee production. Participants can learn about the growing principles, production processes and roasting techniques of local coffee, as well as the preparation and tasting of specialty coffee, all in one day.
    Friends who are interested in learning about coffee growing/making skills are welcome to attend this event. (The event will be conducted in Cantonese.)

    Activity instructor:
    - Mike Sim (founder of seedtocuphk)
    - Yip Tsz Lam (Manager, Regenerative Agriculture Department, KFBG)

  2. Content
    Please see Chinese version.

  3. Target group / Number. of participants
    Please see Chinese version.

  4. Date/time
    Please see Chinese version.

  5. Venue
    Please see Chinese version.

  6. Fee/application 
    Please see Chinese version.

  7. Enquiry
    Please contact the Regenerative Agriculture Department at (852) 2483 7192 or