Northern Chevrotain
Scientific name: Tragulus williamsoni
Order: Cetartiodactyla
Family: Tragulidae
IUCN Red List: Data Deficient
State Key Protected Animal List of China: Class I
Species profile
Chevrotain, or Mousedeer, is a group of small hoofed animals native to tropical Asia and China represents its northernmost distribution. In China, chevrotain can only be found in Xishuangbanna in southern Yunnan, but little is known on its status, taxonomy and ecology.
Our conservation work
Since 2019, the Kadoorie Conservation China Department (KCC) has been collaborating with Yunnan Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve to raise local awareness and strengthen monitoring effort in order to reduce human disturbances in key chevrotain habitats.
Recent research suggests that the Xishuangbanna population belongs to the species Northern Chevrotain (Tragulus williamsoni) based on skull analysis, but this proposed taxonomy requires further confirmation. KCC is working with researchers to find out the true identity of the Xishuangbanna chevrotain.