Stretching the conversation about sustainable natural rubber
China Eco Tales
Nobody would raise an eyebrow if tyre manufacturers are hosting a conference to push for a sustainable and ethical rubber industry. After all, three thirds of global natural rubber are produced to ma...
Collecting Seeds for Rewilding
Plants & Us
Seed collection kickstarts the cycle of ecological restoration. Seeds collected from the wild are brought back to KFBG for germination and propagation in our laboratories and nurseries, and the resul...
Brown Fish Owl Returned To The Wild After Rescue
Animal Stories
After two weeks of special care and treatment by the rescue team at KFBG Wild Animal Rescue Centre, a Brown Fish Owl (Ketupa zeylonensis) recovered well from injuries caused by a fishing line and fis...
Glue Traps are cruel and indiscriminate, Stop using these traps and help to Save Wildlife!
Animal Stories
Our wildlife neighbours share the same urban space as we do, and this allows the enjoyment of nature to take place in the city. To live in harmony, we must respect each other. However, our, often uni...
Wild Cambodia Diaries 2
China Eco Tales
A typical field day wading through the thickets during the wet season My first experience in our team's wildlife surveys in Cambodia checked all the boxes for a spartan race. During a three-day visit...
Rare sighting: Flock of more than 100 hornbills spotted in Yunnan
China Eco Tales
China's largest flock of hornbills Asian hornbills often fly, feed and roost in flocks. In Thailand, researchers observed over 1,000 Wreathed Hornbill (Rhyticeros undulates) flying together to their ...
Two new records of Stripe-backed Weasel in Yunnan
China Eco Tales
Although the Stripe-backed Weasel (Mustela strigidorsa) is listed as Endangered on the China Species Red List, we know very little about this small carnivore's status across the country apart from a ...
Tracking the world’s rarest primate in the rainforests of Hainan
China Eco Tales
On the first morning monitoring Hainan Gibbons at Hainan Island's Bawangling National Nature Reserve, my team tracked the species' biggest family unit, Group C, in hopes of catching a glimpse of its ...
Fruiting rare native oaks herald the onset of Autumn
Plants & Us
As we approach Autumn, the temperature mellows and the humidity drops, leaves change colour and trees begin to fruit. Autumn may be brief in Hong Kong, but it is just long enough to work its charm i...
Young Rhesus Macaque with face injuries rescued on International Primate Day
Animal Stories
Every year 1st September is a special day as it is the International Primate day which reminds us to speak up for all primates. On that day in 2019, a young Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta) was found ...