Utilising LiDAR in conservation – mapping the maze of trails in KFBG’s Orchid Haven
Plants & Us
Dating back as early as the 6th century BC, the traditional craft of map making has allowed humans to navigate. Fast forward to the 21st Century and, along with many other advancements in technology,...
Hexagons and Honeycombs
Animal Stories
Have you ever wondered how bees create perfect hexagon shapes while constructing their honeycomb nests? After pondering this question while staring at a piece of perfectly formed honeycomb from a wil...
“Wait your turn!”
Animal Stories
The baby bird season has arrived and the KFBG Wild Animal Rescue Centre is experiencing daily deliveries of rescued nestlings. Thanks to the rapid call out responses of the SPCA and their dedicated t...
Wild, Threatened, Farmed: Hong Kong’s Invisible Pets│Wildlife Trade Report
Animal Stories
This is a new wildlife trade report published by ADM Capital Foundation Wild, Threatened, Farmed: Hong Kong's Invisible Pets sheds light on the scale and nature of the city's exotic pet trade, iden...
Otters’ identity revealed in their stools
China Eco Tales
Individual identification is a very powerful but challenging approach in zoological research. Characteristics such as the noseprint in dogs, footprint of giant pandas, face of monkeys, markings on le...
Behind the Scenes: Updating the Checklist of the Birds of Hainan Island
China Eco Tales
As one of the authors of the 2021 paper An Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Hainan Island, China”, I certainly did not make the greatest contribution, but I surely learnt a great deal along...
“Heads up”!
Animal Stories
Young nestling Collared Scops Owls are loveable birds, that often arrive from rescue looking like white fluff balls and grow up resembling a piece of tree bark with a pair of big eyes. These owls ar...
World Pangolin Day 2022
Animal Stories
It is the eleventh World Pangolin Day today! Unfortunately, this mysterious creature is still under severe threat over most of its native range and several of the 8 species are close to extinction in...
Newly discovered orchid named in honour of a KFBG botanist
Plants & Us
DRUM-ROLL… Kickstarting 2022 with a newly described orchid, Pankaj's pot-belly orchid, named in honour of one of KFBG's botanists. A newly discovered rock-dwelling orchid native to southern Vi...
Travel Log of a rehabilitated Black-faced Spoonbill “A49”
Animal Stories
We have an exciting travel story to share: A rescued Black-faced Spoonbill with leg ring number A49” returned to Hong Kong from South Korea. It was previously treated in our Wild Animal Rescue ...