We have an exciting travel story to share: A rescued Black-faced Spoonbill with leg ring number A49” returned to Hong Kong from South Korea. It was previously treated in our Wild Animal Rescue ...

Most visitors arrive at KFBG by taking the 64K bus from Tai Po. The route has numerous stops and can be a lengthy bus ride. While you may be used to looking down on your phone, watching outside the w...

Endangered Tricarinate Hill Turtles waited more than 4 years before being rehomed to Centre Emys Switzerland – but now they have arrived!
7 December 2021 | Animal Stories
7 December 2021 | Animal Stories
On 23rd November 2021, KFBG Wild Animal Rescue Centre transferred ten endangered Tricarinate Hill Turtles (Melanochelys tricarinata) to the Centre Emys in Switzerland to enter their education and con...

KFBG recently worked with Vietnamese and Russian scientists to describe a new species named the Black-eyed Paddy Frog (Micryletta melanops), which is found in Langbian Plateau in southern Vietnam. T...

Endospermum chinense is a fast-growing native tree that grows well in harsh, exposed environments. The ability to grow in challenging conditions means that we might expect to find a large population ...

“The Gibbon’s Life in the Treetops” Exhibition at Lee Tung Avenue, Wanchai
26 November 2021 | Activity Report
26 November 2021 | Activity Report
To celebrate the International Gibbon Day, KFBG curated The Gibbon's Life in the Treetops” Exhibition during 16th to 24th October 2021, that brought gibbons and their forest homes to the heart ...

The Hainan Gibbon the world's rarest primate is the focus of KFBG's Conservation China Department's very first and also longest-running conservation project. Here we have found some archival photos...

White-breasted Waterhen (Amaurornis phoenicurus) chicks resemble little black balls they are masters of disguise - important when there are many predators such as snakes and raptors that see you as ...

Hong Kong is home to several native owl species, most are nocturnal, and lead quite secretive lives. This year during the breeding season, a KFBG Board Member was very lucky to discover a pair of Bro...

Which animals share this public toilet? A few months ago, we discovered a wildlife latrine close to KFBG's Monkey Haven. A wildlife latrine could be defined as a specific location where animals reg...