In 1999 KFBG commenced a snake rescue project in partnership with the Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department (AFCD) and the HKSAR Police. This ongoing project helps to address the mitig...

To mark International Fruit Day on 1st July this year, we would like to introduce some of the lesser-known and weird but wonderful local fruits that are of historical importance in Hong Kong. Situate...

Restoring lost habitat for Hong Kong’s largest butterfly, the Golden Birdwing
22 June 2021 | Plants & Us
22 June 2021 | Plants & Us
The Golden Birdwing (Troides aeacus) is a rare butterfly that is only known from a few localities in Hong Kong. With black and yellow accented wings and a wingspan of up to 16 cm, it can look like a ...

Why is Pollination important and who does it? Normally the first thing that comes to mind when you think of pollination is flowers and bees. I think it is important that everyone understands and resp...

On the 19th May we celebrate Buddha's Birthday. It is almost refreshing to know that Buddha in his great wisdom placed so much importance on the human connection with all living things. Buddha was pr...

The first private authorized bird of prey rehabilitation programme was established by Major Jim Ades in Hong Kong in the 1980s. The Jim Ades Raptor Sanctuary houses disabled and imprinted raptors tha...

Another KFBG Landmark is reached: the Wild Animal Rescue Centre’s 20,000th released animal
24 March 2021 | Animal Stories
24 March 2021 | Animal Stories
KFBG Wild Animal Rescue Centre has just reached the milestone of its 20,000th animal release since its establishment in 1994. The special animal was a White Wagtail (Motacilla alba) which had been und...

Bidding farewell to the long, rigorous dry season this year, the steady drizzle of March is just enough to prod the sprout of seeds and pique the first blooms of Spring. This year, our Rehderodendro...

Self-imposed lockdown in the animal world: A glimpse into the life of a family of breeding hornbills
11 March 2021 | China Eco Tales
11 March 2021 | China Eco Tales
China is home to five hornbill species: Great Hornbill, Rufous-necked Hornbill, Wreathed Hornbill, Oriental Pied Hornbill, and Austen's Brown Hornbill. They are restricted to tropical forests of sout...

The Chinese New Year Flower (Enkianthus quinqueflorus) is now flowering. You are welcome to visit this spectacular flower on the Enkianthus Walk in the upper area of KFBG!Enkianthus quinqueflorus is...