Duffi our female mule enjoying her morning roll in the sand at the Mule Stables
25 October 2020 | Animal Stories
25 October 2020 | Animal Stories
Why do horses, donkeys, and mules like to roll in sand? Rolling in sand allows equines to clean their coat, stretch a little bit, and on warmer days, helps to lower their body temperature. In wild ho...

After the typhoon: Bridging ravaged forest for the critically endangered Hainan Gibbon
24 October 2020 | China Eco Tales
24 October 2020 | China Eco Tales
The newest family of the critically endangered Hainan Gibbons has just welcomed their first child, increasing the population of the world's rarest primate from 13 (two family groups) in 2003 to 33 (f...

Time to celebrate the first two Golden Coin Turtle hatchlings of 2020
21 October 2020 | Animal Stories
21 October 2020 | Animal Stories
Two sibling Golden Coin Turtles (Cuora trifasciata) emerged from their eggs on 29th August and became the first hatchlings from the species conservation programme this year. A standard procedure as p...

On 17 September 2020, the rescue professionals at the Wild Animal Rescue Centre of KFBG received a snake from the Police through our Wild Snake Rescue Project. From the police memo, the box contained...

Following a trail of a horrendous odor, we were presented with this strange-looking organism. This is a Long Net Stinkhorn (Dictyophora indusiata), a fungus in the Phallaceae family a family that is...

Our trees are under attack!
But could these hungry marauders actually be helping our forest along?
3 September 2020 | Plants & Us
3 September 2020 | Plants & Us
An army of slug moth caterpillars was spotted on one of our Cyclobalanopsis edithiae trees at our forest restoration site this summer. This was both a blessing and a curse. The return of insects is a...

Brown Wood Owls (Strix leptogrammica) are native to Hong Kong and interestingly are believed to have arrived in the territory only in the last 15 years probably as a result of a natural range expansi...

Not only are we finding small-sized birds caught in glue traps, but even medium-sized birds like this Chinese Pond Heron (Ardeola bacchus) can get trapped by these cruel devices. This adult bird w...

The Northern Red Muntjac (Muntiacus vaginalis) sometimes known as the Barking Deer is the only native deer species that is found in Hong Kong. It is also a mammal species we often receive at the Wild...

As part of the famed, expansive Eastern Plains Landscape in Cambodia, the project site of the Kadoorie Conservation China Department (KCC) is home to a vast array of endangered wildlife from Banteng,...