Jim Ades Raptor Sanctuary
The first private authorized bird of prey rehabilitation programme was established by Major Jim Ades in Hong Kong in the 1980s. To continue this important work, and allow for needy expansion KFBG established the Raptor Sanctuary and Raptor Rehabilitation work in 1994. The aim of the newly developed Wild Animal Rescue Centre was to rescue and rehabilitate sick and injured birds of prey and release those that fully recovered back into the wild. The Jim Ades Raptor Sanctuary houses disabled and imprinted birds that have gone through the rescue process but cannot be released. Some of these birds are relaxed and steady enough to be considered for education exhibit. In 2016, we upgraded some of the enclosures and combined the previous Owl Sanctuary with the Raptor Sanctuary. Please come and visit our rescued birds of prey, such as Black Kites, Crested Goshawks, Common Buzzards and the owls.
In the first 25 years of operation more than 8,000 native birds had been received from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and members of the public. Over 50% of the rescued birds were successfully rehabilitated and released.
We occasionally run Raptor Keeper Talks, where visitors can have a close-encounter experience with one of our birds, check for details on this website or at Reception.