KFBG began adopting sustainable agriculture practices in 1995. Our two-decade long experience of converting from conventional farming to sustainable farming, and our sustainable food production demonstration models are an important resource for food production, urban agricultural research and education for the region.
Mainstreaming urban agriculture will be critical for feeding our population of seven million in Hong Kong in the years to come and will also help to address many urban challenges such as food waste, the generation gap, and lack of recreational space and a community sense of belonging. Shortage of space and environmental constraints can be challenging but it is always possible to grow some of our own food. Through the provision of re-skilling courses and farming displays we enable people to reconnect their souls to the soil in order to help society to prepare for an uncertain future.

Some of our once mono-crop orchards were gradually converted to agroforest with over 40 crop varieties including tea, fruit and honey production. The change is helping us resolve some of the problems brought about by conventional farming and enhances the ecological services of our farming landscape.

Our Eco-garden is beautified solely with edible plants to illustrate how a multi-functional and productive edible landscape out-performs the typical urban parks when it comes to pleasing the eye.

Aquaponics makes sustainable food production possible in soil-less environments with minimal energy input and water consumption. This technology has huge potential in enabling food production in the concrete jungle.

Growing food in city is possible even with only little space - farming ideas such as herb spirals, square-foot gardens, vertical farming and pot-planting are demonstrated everywhere at KFBG for inspiration.