We see our organic waste from canteens and husbandry activities as a resource rather than refuse. All these organic resources are recovered and reused at KFBG – it not only turns waste into a resource but also cuts down transport-related fuel consumption, air pollution and carbon emission and saves space in the Landfills.

We introduced a deep litter bedding system to our poultry farming in the mid-2000s. With parallel use of indigenous micro-organisms, the system effectively captures poultry waste for recovery in a hygienic manner. Also, the system supplies offer a soft bedding for the chickens to display natural behaviour – it makes our animals happier and healthier.

Our aerobic composting system digests all agricultural waste and most of the horticultural waste generated at KFBG. Over 30 tonnes of high-quality compost is produced every year for our food production use and sale to the public.

Various food waste composting methods such as aerobic composting and bokashi-composting are in use at the KFBG for resource recovery. These live operations are an educational resource for training on organic resource management.

Since 2011, we have been using bio-charcoal technology to treat decaying wood that is generated from our regular tree management activities. The process helps carbon sequestration and the bio-charcoal can be applied in gardening and farming for soil improvement. The operation has been scaled up in 2017 to catch up with the need of the reforestation programme of KFBG.