If you come across a plant in Hong Kong and you wished to know its name, how would you find out? In this article, we will explore and explain how a library of plant diversity is build up and organize...

Like many other living organisms on Earth, trees face numerous challenges over their lifetime, including competition for water, nutrients and sunlight. On top of that, trees can suffer from growth de...

Dating back as early as the 6th century BC, the traditional craft of map making has allowed humans to navigate. Fast forward to the 21st Century and, along with many other advancements in technology,...

DRUM-ROLL… Kickstarting 2022 with a newly described orchid, Pankaj's pot-belly orchid, named in honour of one of KFBG's botanists. A newly discovered rock-dwelling orchid native to southern Vi...

Endospermum chinense is a fast-growing native tree that grows well in harsh, exposed environments. The ability to grow in challenging conditions means that we might expect to find a large population ...

To mark International Fruit Day on 1st July this year, we would like to introduce some of the lesser-known and weird but wonderful local fruits that are of historical importance in Hong Kong. Situate...

The Golden Birdwing (Troides aeacus) is a rare butterfly that is only known from a few localities in Hong Kong. With black and yellow accented wings and a wingspan of up to 16 cm, it can look like a ...

Bidding farewell to the long, rigorous dry season this year, the steady drizzle of March is just enough to prod the sprout of seeds and pique the first blooms of Spring. This year, our Rehderodendro...

The Chinese New Year Flower (Enkianthus quinqueflorus) is now flowering. You are welcome to visit this spectacular flower on the Enkianthus Walk in the upper area of KFBG!Enkianthus quinqueflorus is...

【Nature’s Muralists】To marvel at the microscopic world of lichens is to embrace mutualism
29 December 2020
29 December 2020
Though lichens and fungi may, at first glance, be judged to resemble one another, they are in fact very different life forms. Actually, fungi make up just one half of the magic of lichens. A lichen ...