Thanks to open source data and knowledge exchange, a piece of exciting but sad news has rolled in just before the end of the year. Using the DNA data published by KFBG scientists on the trade of wild...

A. polystachya Fruits of A. polystachya through binoculars Leaves of A. polystachya through binoculars Just as the fruiting season begins, we are thrilled to announce the discovery in Hong Kon...

Following a trail of a horrendous odor, we were presented with this strange-looking organism. This is a Long Net Stinkhorn (Dictyophora indusiata), a fungus in the Phallaceae family a family that is...

Our trees are under attack!
But could these hungry marauders actually be helping our forest along?
3 September 2020
3 September 2020
An army of slug moth caterpillars was spotted on one of our Cyclobalanopsis edithiae trees at our forest restoration site this summer. This was both a blessing and a curse. The return of insects is a...

The practice of botanical illustration has been around for centuries. Some of the first documented botanical discoveries date back to the 15th to 18th centuries, when explorers and scientists went o...

On a cool, sunny day, our team ventured onto Lantau Island, the largest island of Hong Kong, to collect seeds of native plants for conservation. The route planned for the day stretched across two str...

Lunar New Year is not only the most important festival in the Chinese calendar, it is also the time of year in which many native Hong Kong plants come into bloom. As these beauties break bud, their f...

After decades in the Scottish capital, an international collaboration finally brings two very rare Hong Kong plants back to home turf Before and after: Amentotaxus argotaenia cuttings being unboxed...

What we learnt from Typhoon Mangkhut, the most extreme climatic event recorded in Hong Kong
8 January 2020
8 January 2020
In the summer of 2018, the most intense super-typhoon ever to directly hit Hong Kong brought flooding, power outages and widespread damage to buildings and property. Super typhoon Mangkhut also uproo...

Phalaenopsis pulcherrima is an alluring, rock-dwelling orchid that is supremely adapted to growth in a hot, dry climate. Its wiry roots anchor the plant to exposed, sunbaked rocks where few other spe...