The Permaculture Festival will take place on 17th - 18th November, 2012 at Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden. The Festival is a place to learn and experience sustainable living and agriculture - in t...

Saving the world’s most endangered tortoises: Thirteen Ploughshare Tortoises sent to Europe for a new life
29 June 2012 | Nature Conservation
29 June 2012 | Nature Conservation
In the past two weeks, KFBG has sent 13 Ploughshare Tortoises to Europe to join conservation breeding programmes. They are part of the 30 confiscated tortoises which were placed under the care of KFB...

Vietnamese Golden Coin Turtles sent to Europe to enter conservation breeding programmes
25 April 2012 | Nature Conservation
25 April 2012 | Nature Conservation
A group of Vietnamese Golden Coin Turtles (Cuora cyclornata) were transferred from Hong Kong to Munster’s Allwetter Zoo in Germany on 19th April, 2012. Some of these turtles have been under the care ...

Seven Radiated Tortoises leave KFBG Wild Animal Rescue Centre to join a Conservation Breeding Programme in Australia
16 February 2012 | Nature Conservation
16 February 2012 | Nature Conservation
On 15th February, 2012 (Wednesday), Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG) will send seven Radiated Tortoises (Astrochelys radiata) to join a conservation breeding programme at Mogo Zoo in New Sou...