
Fauna Conservation Department is recruiting dedicated volunteers to assist with our daily work operations. As a Fauna volunteer, you will have the opportunity to work with our public exhibits, projects or wildlife rescue teams. Join us as a volunteer and join the Fauna Conservation Team in their mission to conserve our local biodiversity for future generations.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation

  • Assist with the general care of rescued animals i.e food preparation cleaning of animal enclosures, and laundry etc
  • Assist staff with regular animal checks, treatments and animal feeding.
  • Preparing animals for release to the wild

Animal Programs & Exhibits (A.P.E)*

  • Assist with the daily care and husbandry of long-term, rescued wildlife residents, i.e. cleaning of animal enclosures, food preparation, feeding of wildlife;
  • Assist with enclosure set-up and landscaping projects to provide wildlife with natural and enriched environments, i.e. rebranching, replacement of perches, planting, pruning in and around exhibits, substate replacement etc;
  • Assist with the fabrication of enrichment items and devices for animals;
  • Assist staff with animal programs and other educational activities;
  • Maintain visitor facilities adjacent to animal exhibits; cleaning of signages, collecting dry leaves from pathways for use in animal enclosures.

Veterinary Team #

  • Assist with or observe radiography, anaesthesia and surgeries;
  • Assist with or observe sample collection, processing and laboratory procedures;
  • Assist with or observe handling of wild animals;
  • Assist with or observe nursing care of in-patients including medications and husbandry;
  • Self-guided study; when quiet, you will be expected to read or research relevant topics;
  • When quiet, assist with general running of the hospital, including routine up-keep tasks;
  • If required and time permitting, you may be asked to assist with other animal sections of the Fauna team.

Project Team**

Assist Project Team staff with the daily operation of department projects, including, but not limited to:

  • General care of turtles that are part of an ex-situ conservation project;
  • Projects that involve mitigating wildlife/human conflicts and amphibian conservation;
  • Curating our natural history specimen collection;
  • Data entry relating to our conservation projects.

** Applicants who can offer a long-term commitment over several months preferred, even if only one day per week.

Education Team

  • Assist with signage and leaflet design;
  • Assist with content for social media posts;
  • Photographing animals on-site;
  • Conduct educational activities, animal talks and assist on night walks at KFBG;
  • Help carry out public/visitor surveys.

Administration Team

  • Written translations, both English to Chinese and Chinese to English;
  • Data entry;
  • Record and check stock as directed.


  • Hong Kong permanent residents aged between 16 to 65 years; applicants under 18 will need to complete and submit a parental consent form.
  • Able to work in an outdoor environment.
  • Valid tetanus vaccination (compulsory).
  • Valid rabies and hepatitis B vaccination (preferred).
  • Previous animal-care experience including pets (preferred)
  • Serve a minimum of 10 working days (0830-1700.

Applicants who are not Hong Kong permanent residents may be considered providing:

  1. They are able to commit a minimum of 20 working days and provide their own accommodation. If the application is accepted by the Fauna Conservation Department they will be requested to apply to the HKSAR Immigration Department for a training visa.
  2. Complete and sign an Overseas Volunteer Training Agreement that will support the application to immigration.

* Applicants indicating a longer service period (20 working days or above) will have priority.

Open to applicants from the veterinary field (veterinarians, veterinary nurses, veterinary medicine students, veterinary nursing students) and the human medical field (doctors and nurses). Preclinical veterinary students who need to acquire husbandry EMS should apply to one of the husbandry teams (WRR or LED), not the veterinary team. Preclinical veterinary students wishing to gain exposure to clinical wildlife work are welcome to apply to the veterinary team on the understanding that they likely will NOT be able to count this as EMS. Clinical veterinary students are welcome to apply to the veterinary team for clinical EMS.

Due to limited parking space, volunteers are recommended to take public transportation to KFBG.

How to Apply

Please click here for online application;
Before you apply, please read the Volunteer Attachment Programme Conditions;
You may contact fauna@kfbg.org for further questions or information.

If you do not hear back within 2-3 weeks after submitting your application, please assume your application has not been successful this time.