Transformative Workshops
Events and Programmes - Events and Programmes
Past Programmes
23-27 October, 2015'When Quantum Physics Meets Daoism - Holistic thinking in caring for Planet Earth' 5-day Residential Transformative Workshop
'Slow Is Beautiful - Learning Ecological Wisdom from Asian Traditions' 5-day Residential Transformative Workshop
24-25 February 2017“A Quantum Journey to Nature’s Tao” - Experiencing the unseen that moves us
24-26 November 2017Nature is the Healer - A 3-day Retreat with Tribal Messenger, Jhon Kwano
8 December 2017Public Talk by Jhon Kwano - A Messenger in Papua: ‘Life, culture and worldviews’
20 January 2018Planetary Synchronized Breath of Bliss Ceremony Hong Kong
19 March 2018Resilience Public Talk by Dr. Satish Kumar at Business Environment Council
20 March 2018Resilience Public Talk by Dr. Satish Kumar at the Green Hub
23-25 March 2018Resilience Residential Transformative Workshop, Dr. Satish Kumar
27/28 September 2023Forest Immersion Walk at Dusk (Individual Application)
7 April 2018Dragon Workshop - A Day of Silence and Transformation in Nature
7 July 2018 (Saturday) 14:30-16:00Message from Melanesia Public Talk by Jhon Kwano
14-15 July 2018Coming to Life - A 2-day Residential Breathwork Retreat
21 July 2018Coming Back to Life - A 1-day Breathwork Retreat
1 September 2018Little Fish Workshop -- A Half-Day of Silence and Transformation in Nature
20 October 2018Breathing with Trees - A Breathwork Event with Claire Elouard and Andrew McAulay 2018
19 January 2019 (Saturday)Open your Heart to the New Year with Ecstatic Breath
22-24 February 2019"Awakening to Nature - Waking the Mother”: A 3-day Residential Retreat with Tribal Messenger, Jhon Kwano
9 March 2019Simple is Sweet Public Talk by Jhon Kwano
Breathing with Trees - A Breathwork Event with Claire Elouard and Andrew McAulay
28 September 2019 (Saturday)Breathing with Tea - With Andrew and Deborah McAulay
21 September 2019 (Saturday)Connecting with the Energy of Nature - One-day Introductory Workshop
25-29 September 2019 (Wednesday to Sunday)Energy of Nature - Level I
6 December 2019 | 1900-2100Shifting The Paradigm Public Talk by Dr. Satish Kumar
6 - 8 December 2019Shifting the Paradigm Residential Workshop- Dr. Satish Kumar
28 February to 1 March 2020 (Friday to Sunday)"Cooking the Message”: A 3-day Residential Retreat with Tribal Messenger, Jhon Kwano
6 March 2020 (Friday)Message From Melanesia Public Talk by Jhon Kwano
Sat, August 8 2020Sacred Space - a Zoom breathwork event with Breath of Bliss™ Facilitator Andrew McAulay
Sat, October 31 2020Faith is the Bridge - a Zoom breathwork event with Breath of Bliss™ Facilitator Andrew McAulay
Healing Power of Nature – Self-guided Online Course with Dr. Claire Elouard
Healing Power of Nature – Self-guided Online Course with Dr. Claire Elouard
Sat, February 27 2021Stepping Out of Time - a Zoom breathwork event with Breath of Bliss™ Facilitator Andrew McAulay
Gaia and Deep Ecology Online Programme by Dr. Stephan Harding, Juliana Schneider and KFBG staff
Abundance - a zoom breathwork event with Breath of Bliss™ facilitator Andrew McAulay
Why do we need holistic education in this time of crisis?
Deepening our connection to nature│A journey into Gaia and Deep Ecology
How Green is My Thinking? What Plants Can Teach Us
Little Fish Journey - A Mindful Experience in Nature
Season’s Greetings with Satish Kumar
Return to yourselves” Yoga Mediation Workshop
Virtual Forest Immersion Walk (Online workshop)
25 May 2022回到內在,關顧自己│瑜伽生活禪
3–17 September 2022Healing Power of Nature – Self-guided Online Course with Dr. Claire Elouard
“Return to yourselves” Yoga Mediation Workshop
Forest Immersion Walk at Dusk (Individual Application)
‘Connecting with the Energy of Nature’ Three-day Level II Workshop by Dr. Claire Elouard
“Return to yourselves” Yoga Mediation Workshop
7 Mar 2020 (Saturday) or 12 March 2020 (Thursday)Forest Immersion Walk (Individual Application)
‘Connecting with the Energy of Nature’ Five-day Level I Residential Workshop by Dr. Claire Elouard
‘Connecting with the Energy of Nature and with Oneself’ One-day Refresher Workshop by Dr. Claire Elouard
‘Connecting with the Energy of Nature’ One-day Introductory Workshop by Dr. Claire Elouard
“Return to yourselves” Yoga Mediation Workshop
Return to Nature・Learn the Way of Life from the Natural World│4-day-3-night Residential Retreat
‘Connecting with the Energy of Nature’ Workshops by Dr. Claire Elouard
Forest Immersion Walk (Individual Application)
‘Return to yourselves’ Yoga Meditation Workshop 2024
Zen of Photography Workshop by Venerable Chang Lin 2024
A Day of Rest for Yourself|Yoga Meditation Workshop 2024
Embracing the Energy of Nature Half-day Event: An Afternoon with Dr Claire Elouard
Connecting with the Energy of Nature Introductory|1-day Workshop by Dr Claire Elouard
Rejuvenate Your Bond with the Energy of Nature Alumni|1-day Workshop by Dr Claire Elouard
Breathing with Trees – A Breathwork Event with Claire Elouard and Andrew McAulay 2024
Connecting with the Energy of Nature Workshops and Events by Dr Claire Elouard
Connecting with the Energy of Nature Level Two|3-day Workshop (Non-residential) by Dr Claire Elouard
Connecting with the Energy of Nature Level One|5-day Workshop (Residential) by Dr Claire Elouard
Returning to the Self ‧ Refreshing the Soul│4-day-3-night Residential Retreat
Pause & Breathe in Nature - Zen Art Experience by Changlin Fashi